Thursday, October 25, 2012

Vocabulary Parade, Fall Festival, and so much more


This is an exciting week, and I am super excited about the next two days! Before I dive into those events, I would like to start off by saying how proud I am of our fourth-grade friends. They showed spectacular leadership, and we were blessed by the gift of God's love shown through them (pictures under the "2nd -4th" tab). We also honored our first seven terrific ticket winners this year! I am so proud of all of our students and the great choices they are making each day!

I would also like to make mention of our wonderful parent volunteers who come in to help when there is a need. As you can see in the picture, several of our parents are helping make T-shirts for our kindergarten friends. Thank you so much for your help and support.
**Ezell Cares, principal's list, and honor roll photos located under the "Eagle Happenings" tab!

Tomorrow is our big Vocabulary Costume Parade! We are all very excited to see what creative vocabulary words you and your child have come up with! I am sure the "outfits" will be amazing! A few reminders: Drop off your child by 7:45, and if you are planning to stay, head on up to the stadium to grab a seat. Please have your child wear their "outfit" to school. We want to be able to see your child's vocabulary word and definition, so make it very visible! Students will have assigned spots after the parade where you can find them to take pictures! It's going to be a great morning, and if you need any helpful hints or ideas, click the link:

Saturday is FALL FESTIVAL! That's right ... two days to the huge event! Countdown to Laser Tag, Haunted House, Speed Pitch, and so much more!!!

Don't miss out on getting your tickets for a pre-sale discount (IF YOU PRE-ORDER you will pick up those tickets at will call on Saturday)! For $25, you can get $30 worth of tickets when you purchase them early! The students are being offered great incentives to bring their families such as “dress down day” and ice cream for our elementary friends.

On Monday, October 29, we have our two-week service project, which we are calling "bare necessities." We are meeting three basic needs through our food, clothing, and shelter/tent drive. All schools will be participating.

Wednesday, October 31, our students can wear a Halloween-themed T-shirt and jeans if they wish to do so.

The EHCS third grade presents:
“America the Beautiful”
Friday, November 2nd
6:00 p.m. High School Gym
Free admission

Join the third grade as they present and interpret stories that inspired some of America’s most well-known and beloved patriotic songs, such as “Yankee Doodle” and “The Star Spangled Banner.”  Special appearances by several U.S. Presidents make this a program you will not want to miss!

Our third-grade teachers wanted to share the following about their field trip last week:
Third graders enjoyed a beautiful day at Edwin Warner Park on Thursday.  They learned a lot about “Suitable Surroundings” as they reviewed what they had learned about living things.  They impressed the naturalist there with their good questions and knowledge of habitats.  Then they went to the picnic area for a great lunch.  One student reported that it was the best field trip ever! (Pictures under the "2nd-4th" tab)

Our fourth-grade teachers want to share the following about a science experiment: 
In 4th grade Science, we have been discussing different ecosystems and how plants and animals survive in each one.  On Friday, the 4th grade did a hands-on activity discussing different adaptations animals have in order to survive.  One activity was the importance of a bird’s beak.  Each child had a toothpick to use as a beak.  They also had different materials, both soft and hard, that they had to try to poke their beak through.  We discussed that a bird’s beak must be strong and sharp in order for the bird to eat and survive.  The second activity was discussing the importance of blubber to a polar bear.  Each child had to put their hands in ice water for 5 seconds.  Then they took them out and put on a “blubber glove”.  The blubber glove was made of two Ziploc bags with shortening in between them.  They then put their hands back in the ice-cold water but were not affected because of the insulation of the blubber glove.  We discussed that desert animals would not need blubber, but it is VERY IMPORTANT for polar animals to have blubber.  The kids LOVED the activities, and we know there are many more hands-on activities to come! (Pictures under the "2nd-4th grade" tab)

November 5 = NO SCHOOL & NO EXTENDED CARE (We have lots of educators coming on campus that day)

ANSWERS TO OUR TRIVIA QUESTIONS: (Were you right? Did you discuss?)

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Hello Parents,

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed your fall break and the extra time with your children. We are already getting so close to November, which leaves us several things to discuss:

First, we have "Donuts with the Principal" this Friday to honor all of my friends who made Principal's List and Honor Roll.

Second, we have "Ezell Cares" day next Tuesday (10/23), where students can wear jeans IF they are wearing their "Ezell Cares" T-shirt. If they do not have a T-shirt and would like one, I have several left in my office. The cost is $10. If they do not have that shirt, then they are to be in regular school uniform.

Thirdly, we have our 4th grade students leading chapel on Thursday, October 25. I love to see God move through our students, especially we they lead us in praise and worship. 4th grade parents, you are invited to join us!

Then, we have our first ever Vocabulary Costume Parade next Friday (10/26). Your child will come to school in whatever attire fits their vocabulary word and definition. Parents, we invite you to stay and watch the parade that will take place at 8:30 a.m.  Our parade is going to be a wonderful way to celebrate words and reading, as well as provide a fun time of dressing up – always a childhood favorite! CLICK THIS LINK TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION:

The day after our Vocabulary Parade is FALL FESTIVAL! Check out the flyer to learn all the details about this amazing event! It is going to be an exciting and fun time for our friends and family here at EHCS!

Lastly, we have our Halloween T-shirt day on Wednesday, October 31. Your child may wear a Halloween-themed T-shirt and jeans on this day.
Wow, the next two weeks are extremely busy, so be sure to mark your calendars!
New this week, you will find photos from our musical performance done by our 1st – 3rd graders. They did a fantastic job! (Under "Eagle Happenings" tab)

On top of all of the events listed above, here are a few more things to mention.

October 20 = Parents' Night Out

November 5 = NO SCHOOL & NO EXTENDED CARE (We have lots of educators coming on campus that day)

ANSWERS TO OUR TRIVIA QUESTIONS: (Were you right? Did you discuss?What is your favorite thing about the blog? #1 Answer: Pictures and Information

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fall Break...

Hello Parents,

Tonight is our big musical performance, 1st – 3rd grade Showcase. Miss Chamberlain has worked very hard to put together this special night. Please come out and show your support this evening at 6:00 p.m. (Performers need to be here by 5:30)

This afternoon, the rest of the elementary got to see our 1st – 3rd grade friends perform their dress rehearsal. It was amazing! Our students showed how talented they were in music. Our first grade started with the song, “Oh, My Aunt Came Back,” which had several soloists. They also sang “Peas Porridge Hot” while doing a circle dance and playing the Orff instruments. It was fantastic! The second graders sang and performed motions to a fun piece called “The Donut Song,” and they played different kinds of percussion instruments while chanting “The Robot Band.” I was really impressed with their focus and determination. Our third grade friends beautifully sang and played in a three-part round the song “Scotland Burning.” Finally, they danced, sang, and played the Orff instruments in the finale “Da Da Da Da Da Bomp!” I was amazed and very proud of all our students! I can’t wait to see the exciting final performance tonight.

Tomorrow is our last dress – up day for Homecoming week, and it is very fitting that it is "crazy red and white" day. Go bananas with our school colors! Remember, NO HAIR DYE or FACE PAINT. The students have looked fantastic this week in their "dress to impress" and "tacky" attire. *I have placed ALL NEW pictures under each grade – level tab. Check them out and e-mail me if you would like a copy!

Also, tomorrow our report cards will be e-mailed out at 3:00 p.m.

I would like to make mention of a new event in which our elementary friends will get to participate this year. On October 26, we are going to have our first Vocabulary Costume Parade. The event all began with the book Miss Alaineus (which Mrs. Bebout is going to read to our classes in the library.) This book is a delightful story about words and definitions, in which a young girl participates in her school's annual vocabulary costume parade. Our own parade is going to be a wonderful way to celebrate words and reading, as well as provide a fun time of dressing up – always a childhood favorite! CLICK THIS LINK TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION:

Don't forget about box tops. At the end of this month, we will be counting up class totals, and the class with the most box tops will have a pizza and ice cream party with Mrs. Bledsoe! So cut, clip, and bring in as many as you can!

We are still selling our "Ezell Cares" shirts as we enter into Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please let me know if you would like to buy one; (the new order is supposed to be in today or tomorrow.) Thank you for your patience! We appreciate your support!

Next week is Fall Break. I cannot believe it is already upon us! I encourage you to take some time off of work and spend time with your families. I heard it said once, "Love your family. Spend time, be kind, and serve one another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised, and today is short." So do what you need to do, but even if you can only take one day off, try to use that time enjoy a movie night, go out to eat, have a game night at home, go for a family walk, ride bikes together, or share some fun activity with loved ones. Life is short, and we are blessed by God with the families and friends we have. I will miss you all, but be safe and have fun! I will see you when I get back from the Dominican Republic! Happy trails!

When we get back...
October 16 = Parent Workshop with Jason Foundation at 6:30 p.m.

October 19 = Donuts with the Principal (for our Honor Roll and Principal List students)

October 20 = Parent's Night Out (hosted by our high school cheerleaders)

October 27 = Fall Festival (we are now accepting donated items)

October 31 = Your child may wear a Halloween – themed Tshirt

ANSWERS TO OUR TRIVIA QUESTIONS: (Were you right? Did you discuss?) What will you be doing on Fall Break? #1 Answer: Traveling (me too)