Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hello Parents,
 We had such an amazing turnout at Open House on Tuesday. THANK YOU moms, dads, grandparents, and students for coming out to learn more about our school and our day-to-day activities. I believe the children had a blast being the tour guides and eating cookies! It was wonderful to see almost all of our families! Our community is growing, and I am so happy that we are growing as a family here at EHCS! As always, thank you for trusting us with your precious children; we love them dearly!
**A big thank-you goes out to all the parents who made cookies for our open house and to the PTO for all their help and support. On a side note, I would like to thank our teachers for all the hard work they put in to making our open house a big success. We are blessed with talented, loving teachers!!

You will find more pictures this week under the tabs for your child's grade. All of the pictures that were in the Eagles Nest can now be found here! Your children are so cute, and it was a lot of fun taking their pictures! If you see a picture you really like, let me know, and I'll work on e-mailing it to you or getting you a copy!

Don't forget to look under the "Fine Arts" tab to see more activities going on there; also all of the upcoming dates for Fine Arts events are posted under that tab, as well.

YOU HAVE TO CHECK OUT OUR 4TH GRADERS SINGING A "MATH NUMBER" to the tune of "Call Me Maybe!" It is awesome!!

Field Trips: (Kindergarten teachers said...)
Kindergarten visited the Morning Glory Apple Orchard on Friday, September 7th. We used all five senses to discover new things about apples. We began our trip by listening to our tour guide tell us all about the orchard. Then we tasted and smelled apples, apple cider and honey. We saw the apple cider press and how it works. We concluded our trip by picking an apple from a tree.   Everyone had lots of fun! (See a few pictures of this trip under the K-1st grade tab)

The Varsity Girls Basketball Team is going PINK and has designed a shirt for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  We are selling the shirts for $10.   Not only do these purchases support the team, but also 25% of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society – a very worthy cause! I expect the shirts to go fast, so come get yours today.
p.s. There will be a special day in October (not a Friday) where everyone can wear these shirts and jeans!

Mark Your Calendars:

**September 15 will be Parents Night Out. The cheerleaders are giving you a night out from 5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.! The cost will be $15 dollars per child and $25 max. per family.

**September 20 will be Spirit Night at Angelo's Pizza!

**September 20 & 21 will be parent-teacher conferences (1/2 days for the students, which means dismissal is at 11:00 a.m.- Our PK friends will dismiss at 10:45 a.m. Thank you!)

**October 8-12 will be our Fall Break!

 ANSWERS TO OUR TRIVIA QUESTIONS: (Were you right? Did you discuss?)

In what year did Mrs. Bledsoe graduate from EHCS? Answer: 2001

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